Bagpipe Rudiments Self Assessment

Self assessment of Bagpipe Rudiments

The following are the bagpipe rudiments that you will need to know. They are in the order that I will teach them.


  1. Bagpipe scale
  2. Changing hands + crossing noises
  3. G Gracenote
  4. D Gracenote
  5. E Gracenote
  6. Strikes (low G, D, E)
  7. High A gracenote
  8. D Throw
  9. Birls
  10. Doublings
  11. Lemluath (Grip)
  12. Strikes
  13. Half doublings
  14. Taorluath
  15. Jig exercises (GDE gracenote triplet)
  16. Strathspey movements
  17. Tachem
  18. Reel exercises
  19. High A throw
  20. High G throw
  21. High G Birl
  22. Doubling strikes
  23. Piobaireachd
    1. ground
    2. Dre
    3. Dare
    4. Crunluath
    5. Hiharin
    6. Darodo (Bubbly Note)
    7. Double echos
    8. Thermal E gracenote
    9. Passing D gracenote
    10. ECA cadence
    11. EBA Cadence
    12. Hiharin
    13. rodin

For an in person assessment, contact me!

Email Kevin Fraser or follow him on Facebook or his Facebook Piping page.

phone 587-600-0013