Self assessment of Bagpipe Rudiments
The following are the bagpipe rudiments that you will need to know. They are in the order that I will teach them.
- Bagpipe scale
- Changing hands + crossing noises
- G Gracenote
- D Gracenote
- E Gracenote
- Strikes (low G, D, E)
- High A gracenote
- D Throw
- Birls
- Doublings
- Lemluath (Grip)
- Strikes
- Half doublings
- Taorluath
- Jig exercises (GDE gracenote triplet)
- Strathspey movements
- Tachem
- Reel exercises
- High A throw
- High G throw
- High G Birl
- Doubling strikes
- Piobaireachd
- ground
- Dre
- Dare
- Crunluath
- Hiharin
- Darodo (Bubbly Note)
- Double echos
- Thermal E gracenote
- Passing D gracenote
- ECA cadence
- EBA Cadence
- Hiharin
- rodin
For an in person assessment, contact me!
Email Kevin Fraser or follow him on Facebook or his Facebook Piping page.
phone 587-600-0013