Recommended Tunes for CoP Exams (2007)

Came upon a link to a PDF of the list of tunes the College of Piping recommended for sitting their exams, back in 2007.

The list is probably reasonable for the SCQF that replaced the framework at the time.


Trying to upload the PDF has failed, so I’ve copied and pasted (unedited) below.


Level 1
Two tunes to be played from
memory on the practice chanter
Wha Ha’e
Maiden Tutor
Level 2 (Practice Chan
Five tunes to be played from memory on the pr
actice chanter. At least one tune should be
in compound time. The music is to be presented to the examiner and played in
accordance with the written score. T
he mu
sic do
es not have to be written out by the
Select from:
High Road to Gairloch
Tutor 1
The Thistle of
Tutor 3
Carles W
i’ the Breeks
Tutor 1
Essential Tunes 1 (com
pound tim
Bonnie Dundee
Tutor 3 (compound time)
Level 2 (Bagpipe)
Candidates must submit
five tunes comprising:
2 parts of a Slow Air
2 parts of a March in 3/4 or 4/4 time
2 parts of a March in 6/8 or 9/8 time
2 parts of a Strathspey
2 parts of a Reel
The music is to be presented to the examiner and played
on the bagpipe
in accordance
with the written score. Select from:
Scots Wha Ha’e Tutor 1
My Home
Tutor 3
Green Hills Tutor 1
The Thistle of Scotland
Tutor 3
Bonnie Dundee Tutor 3
Essential Tunes 1
Inverness Rant Tutor 1
Piper o’ Drummond Tutor 1
Level 3
Candidates must be prepared to play ei
ght tunes on the bagpipe. Their list must
2 parts of a Slow Air
4 parts of a March in Simple Time
4 parts of a March in Compound Time
4 parts of a Strathspey
4 parts of a Reel
4 parts of a Hornpipe
4 parts of a Jig
One ground of a Piobaireachd and
its first variation singling and
Select from:
Slow Airs
Mist Covered Mountains
Essential Tunes 1
My Home Tutor 3
Mairi Bhan Og
Essential Tunes 2
2/4 Marches (simple time)
79th Farewell to Gibraltar
Tutor 1
KOSB’s Farwell
Essential Tunes 2
Detroit Highlanders Glasgow Collection
6/8 Marches (compound time)
Cock o’ the North
Essential Tunes 2
Blue Bonnets Tutor 1
Piobaireachd o’ Donald
Essential Tunes 1
Lady Loudon Tutor 3
Dorrator Bridge
Tutor 3
Captain Colin Campbell
Donald MacLeod Bk.3
Lexie MacAskill Tutor 3
Rejected Suitor Tutor 3
Sound of Sleat
Donald MacLeod Bk. 2
Jolly Beggarman Tutor 3
Mason’s Apron Tutor 3
Paddy’s Leather Breeches
Tutor 3
Jig of Slurs Tutor 3
Company’s Lament
Tutor 4
Glengarry’s Lament Tutor 4
MacIntosh’s Banner
Tutor 4
Lament for Alasdair Dearg
Tutor 4
Level 4
The candidate must submit t
competition 2/4 marches of four parts, two 6/8 marches
of four parts, two competition strathspeys of four or more parts, two competition reels of
four or more parts, two compe
tition hornpipes of four or more parts, two competition jigs
of four or more parts and
piobaireachd which has taorluath and crunluath
variations. Select from:
6/8 Marches
Cock o’ the North
Essential Tunes 2
Blue Bonnets Tutor 1
Piobaireachd o’ Donald Dubh
Tutor 1
Dovecote Park Essential Tunes 2
Company’s Lament
Tutor 4
Glengarry’s Lament
Tutor 4
MacIntosh’s Banner
Tutor 4
Lament for Alasdair Dearg
Tutor 4
2/4 Marches
Mrs MacDonald of Dunacht
Tutor 3
Willie Gray’s Farewell to the
Glasgow Police Tutor 3
Lady Lever Park
D MacLeod Bk.1
John MacMillan of Barra
D MacLeod Bk.1
Lady Louden Tutor 3
Dorrator Bridge
Tutor 3
Capt. Colin Campbell
D MacLeod Bk. 3
Duncan Johnstone’s Strath. Glasgow Collection
Lexie MacAskill Tutor 3
Rejected Suitor Tutor 3
Sound of Sleat
D MacLeod Bk. 2
Thompson’s Dirk
D MacLeod Bk. 4
P/M George Allan
D MacLeod Bk. 4
Motley Crew Glasgow Collection
Jolly Beggarman Tutor 3
Mason’s Apron Tutor 3
Jig of Slurs Tutor 3
Lord Dunmore
Essential Tunes 1
Paddy’s Leather Breeches
Tutor 3
Stool of Repentance
Seumas MacNeill Bk. 1
Level Five
Four piobaireachd, one of each showing
standard, fosgailte, breabach and a mach
crunluath movements, four competition marches, fou
competition strathspeys
on reels, four competit
on hornpipes, and four competition jigs are required.
Select from:
Piobaireachd (sta
ndard crunluath)
Massacre of Glencoe
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.6
Lament for the Old Sword
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.3
Hector MacLean’s Warning
Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.2
Piobaireachd (fosgailte)
The Groat
Kilberry Bk./Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.1
Wee Spree
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.7
Too Long in this Condition
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.7
Piobaireachd (breabach)
MacFarlane’s Gath.
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.7
Lament for Donald of Laggan
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.8
Clan Campbell’s Gath.
Kilberry Bk/ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.7
Piobaireachd (a mach)
Catherine’s Lament
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.5
Black Donald’s March
Kilberry Bk./ Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.3
Carles Wi’ the Breeks
Binneas/ Piob. Soc. Bk.8
Competition 2/4 Marches
John MacDonald of Glencoe
Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
Donald MacLean’s
Farewell to Oban
Seumas MacNeill Bk.2
John MacMillan of Barra
D MacLeod Bk.1
John MacFadyen of Melfort
Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
Competition Strathspeys
Maggie Cameron
Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
Duncan Johnstone’s Strath.
Glasgow Collection
Lady MacKenzie of Gairloch
D MacLeod Bk.1
Cabar Feidh D MacLeod Bk.1
Competition Reels
Traditional Reel
D MacLeod Bk.3
Cockerel in the Creel
D MacLeod Bk.6
Fiona MacLeod
D MacLeod Bk.5
Major Manson Seumas MacNeill Bk.2
Level Five
Competition Hornpipes
Crossing the Minch
D MacLeod Bk.6
Piper’s Controversy
D MacLeod Bk.6
Man from Skye
D MacLeod Bk.4
Mason’s Apron Tutor 3
Competition Jigs
Donald MacLennan’s
Tuning Phrase D MacLeod Bk.3
The Curlew D MacLeod Bk.1
Judge’s Dilemma
D MacLeod Bk.3
Banks of the Allan
Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
Level Six
Six piobaireachd are required and the tunes mu
st show a variety of crunluath types.
Piobaireachd should be taken
from Binneas is Boreraig,
the Piobaireachd Society’s
Collection Books 1-15, or from the Kilberry Book.
Candidates must also submit six competition
march, strathspey and r
eels, six jigs and six
hornpipes. Good ceol beag will be found in
Donald Macleod’s books, the Glasgow
Collection, in Seumas MacNeill’s books and in the new John MacColl book. Some
competition light music suggestions
for this level are as follows:
Mrs John MacColl
Glasgow Collection
Knightswood Ceilidh
D MacLeod Bk. 4
Edinburgh Volunteers
D MacLeod Bk.1
Arthur Bignold John MacColl
Jeannie Carruthers John MacColl
Farewell to Edinburgh
Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
Islay Ball Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
John Roy Stewart
D MacLeod Bk.1
Cameronian Rant
D MacLeod Bk.1
Inveraray Castle
Seumas MacNeill Bk.2
Duncan Johnstone’s Strathspey
Glasgow Collection
Susan MacLeod
D MacLeod Bk. 4
Brown Haired Maid
D MacLeod Bk.5
Pretty Marion
D MacLeod Bk.2
Thompson’s Dirk
D MacLeod Bk.4
Smith of Chilliechassie
D MacLeod Bk.1
Lexie MacAskill Tutor 3
Rejected Suitor Tutor 3
Barlinnie Highlander Glasgow Collection
Jim Tweedie’s Sea Legs
Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
Dr MacInnes’s Fancy
D MacLeod Bk.3
Stornoway Hornpipe
D MacLeod Bk.4
Joe McGann’s Fiddle
Seumas MacNeill Bk.2
Mason’s Apron Tutor 3
Biddy from Sligo
D MacLeod Bk.3
Abercairney Tom Glasgow Collection
Alexander MacAskill Seumas MacNeill Bk.2
Echoes of Oban
Seumas MacNeill Bk.1
Old Woman’s Dance
D MacLeod Bk.2
John Paterson’s Mare
D MacLeod Bk.1

How not to buy a set of Bagpipes

On the following link, Matt  unboxes a set of bagpipes he purchased off of Amazon for $150USD.  Out of the box, they aren’t worth playing.  He promised a 2nd video to see if they could be made play-worthy. Note: he intentionally purchased this set to compare against professionally made pipes.

Over the last few years I’ve had a number of students who had purchased a set of pipes online from either E-Bay, Amazon, or even “a store in Scotland” who then come to me for lessons.  I’ve been in those stores on the Royal Mile; They are selling “budget” pipes almost identical to those in the video.

The short form of the story is, only purchase professional pipes if you playing the bagpipes is more than a passing fad.  Purchase from a manufacturer who is involved in the Piping scene.  There are a couple dozen names.  Off of the top of my head some of the big ones would be (in alphabetical order) Dunbar, Hardie, Henderson, McCallum, Naill, Shepherd (my apologies to any I missed).