Base Travel costs for Performances or Lessons outside of Airdrie


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When the lesson or performance is away from my house, I charge a travel fee to cover my travel expenses.

  1. Using google maps, find the 1 way distance from the performance or lesson location from Airdrie.
  2. Round up to the nearest whole kilometer the distance.
  3. Purchase that many travel units.

This product is a multi-part. For the purpose of this product, a Named day is noon-noon, ending on the day specified in the selection box.

The multi day options is for consecutive days (e.g. Rehearsal Friday night, Wedding Saturday).

If this mileage is for a performance, please ensure you have completed a Booking Request form.


Additional information


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, 2 Week Days, 2 Days including a weekend day, 3 Days, 3 Days including a weekend day, 3 Days with 2 weekend days


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